Wednesday, January 01, 2003

happy new year!

well, now that 2002 is over, i can safely put together a list of my favourite releases from this last year. while looking through my cds, i realized, that most of what i bought this year were re-issues, or things released in the last 20 years. a very small amount was actually new for this year. there were several releases that were ok, but not great. those you won't find on this list. just what i liked a lot. in no particular order:

  • zap the world - death by chocolate
  • hyper utesov - messer fur frau muller
  • v - united future organization
  • les hommes - les hommes
  • luke vibert's further nuggets
  • casa - ryuichi sakamoto/paula morelenbaum/jaques morelenbaum
  • synesthesia - legendary pink dots
  • a long weekend - hideki kaji
  • sounds from the verve hi-fi(compiled by the thievery corporation)

ok, so the luke vibert disc is really a compilation of library music, and sounds from the verve hi-fi is a bossa nova comp. but they are so good i couldn't leave them off. i'm sure the new barry 7 compilation connectors 2 would be on this list if it is anything like volume one(i haven't been able to find it at any of the shops here yet).

for me a lot of people i expected or hoped good things from released lukewarm releases. the readymade international compilation the world is waiting was a disappointment, as was the latest cornelius. the new maki nomiya i liked more than those, but not enough to make my tops list. and i have my suspicion that the new fantastic plastic machine may end up being uneventful.

the best artist i discovered this year was the brazillian singer marcos valle. he did bossa nova in the 60s but moved on into other areas as well. unfortunately, most of his releases have only been re-issued in japan as far as i can tell. and i believe most of those have been deleted as well. however, verve in the states did re-issue the album that was supposed to break him in the states(not sure if it did or not) called samba '68 which i can't reccomend highly enough.