Sunday, April 27, 2003

a man comitted suicide because he thought his wife might have sars. in the end she didn't have the disease, but the husbund is dead. are people just paranoid or stupid? my vote is with stupid.

i've also heard that people are threatening to move out of areas where sars patients are to be treated. it's not like if you get sars you will die. it is a possibility, but you could die from the flu just as well. so why all this panic? is it the media that is causing people to be so ridiculous? i don't know if they are causing it but the media here does have a lot to answer for. often times it's hard to tell the difference between legitimate press and a tabloid. though i think the government is responsible for some of this. i've been told that the police will often use or threaten to sick the press on certain suspects if they don't confess to certain crimes. when there is some sort of accident here(plane crash, auto collision) the press are often there blocking the way for medics to get in and treat the injured. freedom of the press is one thing, but delaying medical staff is not a good thing.

speaking of medical staff, i thought medical staff were there to help people, then how can they complain about being quarantined, you work in a hospital but never knew you might run the risk of being exposed to something? or of being quarantined so now you call it unfair when it happens? granted, there are definately things that should of been handled better, but the attitude of some of these nurses makes me wonder why they became nurses to begin with.

if no one is being allowed to leave the hospital how is it that the mayor can inspect the hospital and be allowed to leave? shouldn't he be quarantined as well? i suppose he was using protective gear while these others were not. but still it seems a bit inconsistent.