Monday, June 09, 2003

i've never liked pearl jam, and never really considered them much part of the whole grunge scene either as they always seemed a bit too commercial for that. but this article about them leaving their label is interesting, especially if it means the further demise of the control major labels have over bands. though i wonder, are pearl jam really the most popular and important American rock band of the '90s? most popular maybe, but most important? i'd seriously doubt that. sounds like the writer is overreaching there a bit.

oddly enough, the writer of the article is one of the editors for blogcritics. there's been a lot of discussion about blogging being the new journalism. personally, any blog that resembles journalism, i tend to dislike. if what you write reads like a magazine, why don't you just publish an online magazine, instead of a blog? or are blogs for some people just a step into legitimate journalism? via j-walk.