Wednesday, January 28, 2004

today my classes were cancelled, so i found myself at the eslite bookstore. i picked up edward gorey's the headless bust and a book on old singers from hk, taiwan and shanghai. the gorey book is nice, especially since it was on sale for half price. the book on old singers is wonderful. it comes with a cd, and has lots of pictures. the book is seperated into chapters on various singers. a lot of the most famous singers are represented: chou hsuan, teresa teng, zhang qi, fong fei-fei, yao su-rong, grace ge lan chang, bai guang, and so on. some of the people in the book i recognize from seeing them on tv here, and according to peter just about every male singer in this book is gay. the only drawback to the book is that it's all in chinese. but the good thing about that is that it's inspiring me to sit down with a dictionary and try to figure out what the book says.