MATRIARCHY: freedom in bondage:
"I shall explain to you the purpose of the veil, dear Rose. It is to smooth your once manly cheeks. In time, I shall teach you cosmetics and then you may indeed pass for my dear little daughter. Did you hear me, child? You are to be my little girl and study beauty in everything. When you have passed the test, you shall wear pretty dresses and serve me in public ways. But do not fear for your native sex, dear child - you shall be at times my little man child, at others my little girl. Yet you will always delight in the feminine, which will become your true nature. As a young man, you will forever be my dependent and rejoice in my service. As a young lady, you will rejoice in your beauty and guard your virginity."
some of the book is available on line(maybe all of it, i haven't checked). apparently malcolm mckesson(the author) is somewhat of an outsider artist and his book and the illustrations he created were not published until the death of his wife. via gmtplus9.