Sunday, May 23, 2004

sunday is for splurging. today i picked up:

  • the skywalk is gone dvd
  • venus 69 - valvola & dj spectra
  • lulu double cd
  • goodbye dragon inn/the missing dvd
  • sex and the city season 5 dvd

season 5 of sex and the city hasn't even aired here yet*, but the dvd is already out. this show is really popular here, and so the dvds are unfortunately rather pricey.

the other dvds i bought were bundled together for one price. goodbye dragon inn & the missing is a double set by taiwanese director tsai ming-liang. dragon inn played at the last golden horse film festival, but i've not heard of the missing before so i'm not sure what it is. the packaging on this is pretty nice as the slip case the discs come in is one of those pictures that changes depending on how you look at it(like those old jesus postcards). so sometimes it shows the cover of the missing other times the cover for goodbye dragon inn. bundled together with this was yet another tsai ming-liang film the skywalk is gone. i think this is the sequel to his film what time is it there? which i have yet to see. all these dvds have english subtitles which is a good thing. a lot of times taiwanese films released in taiwan will have no english subs.

valvola & dj spectra are on the shado records label. this time out they are working with a lot of different bands, among them the japanese band plus-tech squeeze box. one track has a sample of someone speaking mandarin too.

lulu is an old taiwanese singer. i've heard that some of her stuff is discoy sounding, but so far i haven't heard anything disco sounding on this comp.

while picking up these things, i noticed that superfriends has been released on dvd in taiwan. now is this something i really need or something that i'd just like to see because of nostalgia?

to round off my shopping spree, i stopped by a stationary shop on the way home to pick up some classic cat stuff for my friend regina in germany, who is crazy for that kind of stuff.

*upon closer inspection, i realize this season has aired here(though the dvd is uncensored unlike when they aired the show). for some reason i was thinking this was the final season of the show, but alas it is not.