Wednesday, May 26, 2004

yesterday i went to moca to see the new show there digital sublime(more on the show can be found here).

my favourite piece in the show was noisedrome by wang fu jui. a video and sound installation(a still is pictured above). the work made me think of stan brakhage, and is the kind of abstract work that i can sit in front of for hours.

another piece by atsuhiro ito involved flashing flourescent lights. i closed my eyes as they flashed to see if it would have any effect like brion gysin's dream machine. but it didn't seem to really. it reminded me of a show i'd gone to in seattle years ago where the audience wore special glasses that flashed light onto your closed eyelids to create images along with the music played. this piece didn't seem to be designed for that purpose, but it was worth a shot.

in the screening room they were showing short films. one was an animated version of a dali painting, another showed people attending various art events. one had a giant screen where people would hold a sort of joystick that looked something like an oversized ice cream cone, and by carrying it around could then change the image on the screen(move it closer, invert it, alter it's texture).

one thing i like about moca is that usually there aren't groups of screaming kids on field trips(unlike the fine arts museum), but that doesn't mean the audience here is that much better. eventhough the tickets state no cell phones and not to talk loudly, some of the patrons i saw in attendance flat out felt like this didn't apply to them.