michael betancourt, the person behind cinegraphic.net has written a book on film and visual arts:
This book presents a new approach to the conceptual basis of all visual art, and while it is about making movies -- the catch-all for video, film, computer graphics and anything else that may appear to move -- the thrust of this book is a radical redefinition of all visual media, including traditional standards like painting. The framework these notes propose is a way of thinking about visual art that eliminates all former media in favor of a division based on our ability to see movement or change in a work of art. While most movies change and move rapidly, this understanding is equally concerned with the very slow, or apparently immobile.
it sounds quite interesting. i wish i could thumb through an actual copy and get a better idea of what it's like. it's for sale through amazon and wildside press. wildside press seems to be one of those sites that feel that it's not really neccesary to tell you what the postage rates are until you've checked out. i hate that.