before i caught that evil cold awhile back, i went to moca to see their latest show pseudo hackers' art in parallel zones. there were a lot of great pieces at the show, but i think my favourite was a piece by chen chu yin:
In the piece QUORUM SENSING, the computer-generated image jumps out to greet the visitor as they enter the exhibition area. The image then attaches to the footsteps of the audience. If at this time another visitor appears, a light will appear to connect these two people. The graphics on the floor will then become more and more complicated, with more and more diverse patterns and styles, forming a short artificial life. When the visitor comes closer to the space, strange noises and animal sounds also begin emanating. The participation of all visitors creates a polyphony, like a countercurrent permeating this quiet space.
when i was there, i was the only one in the room so i didn't get to experience being connected by light with another person.
i tend to dislike video installations that use monitors or tvs to screen video work, and then do nothing to alter the tv or monitors. it lacks a certain aesthetic and detracts from the work to a certain degree. there was some of that at this show(but not as terrible as other shows i've seen), but the piece by su hui yu really did this right, as the monitors were placed inside the wall, so all you could see was the screens but not be distracted by the frame or brand names if it had remained unaltered.