this weekend peter and i will be moving. finally, after 5 years, we'll finally be living in a place that is just us. no siblings, no roomates - hopefully we won't end up killing each other. as a result of the move our server will be down. so all the pictures here and over on the photoblog will be down until we get things set up again. hopefully this won't be longer than a week, but it's hard to tell.
thanks to ted i now have a flickr pro account. i've put up a bunch of my holga shots over there. most of them have appeared on photo action boy at one time or another, but a few have not. i've been having fun with the groups i've joined there so far. and just today i found this one devoted to taipei city. but it looks like i'm the only person to post anything to that group yet.
note: looks like there's another older taipei group on flickr. that group has a lot more members, though someone in that group has tagged some of their photos "china" which i find a bit odd to say the least. after discovering that group i came across this group devoted to pictures to the 3-26 march against china. this picture is particularly hillarious.