Tuesday, June 01, 2004

today i went to the bodyworld show in shilin. from their website:

Until recently the privilege to view corpses and the human body’s interior has been confined to medicine students and anatomists in dissection rooms. It is only due to the invention of plastination that the general public is now also able to enjoy fascinating insights into the human body. The plastination technique thus made a considerable contribution to health education.

basically the show is various exhibits that let you see different parts of the body. very fascinating. it was easy to think these were simply models, not real parts from real bodies that had been plastinized. they also had an enlargement of the release form you must sign if you want your body to plastinized after you die. i didn't see any real release forms sitting around though. not sure if i'd want my body to be used in this way after i die, but i have no problem viewing the ones others have donated.