yesterday, peter and i went to the puppetry art center of taiwan. this is a new museum next to the living mall devoted to puppets. the museum has lots of old puppets, mainly from taiwan, but a few from europe too. i was happy to find they even had some punch and judy puppets.
currently they are also having a show of puppets that were used in the pili film legend of the sacred stone. pili has been run by the same family for four generations. they started out as a puppet show, then a tv show, and now they have their own tv station that shows their puppet tv seriels around the clock.
on one of the walls of the museum they had a series of photos of puppets from around the world. so you could see pictures of puppets from sweden or england, or germany and so on. not quite as good as seeing the real puppets, but still nice nonetheless. in one part of the museum they had music used in puppet shows. one disc of the music used in northern taiwan, and one disc of music in southern taiwan(the style of music being different depending on location).
i was hoping the museum shop would have these cds for sale, but aside from some pili soundtracks, the only cds for sale had nothing to do with puppetry. they didn't have any books on puppets either. hopefully in the future they will.